Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dgb Log: Sep.2, 2008

1. For some reason the dom query doesn't work for svg tags with class attributes using ExtJS.[This is due to the html parser, as inline svg document is not part of xhtml; the 'class' attribute is therefore not appended. Solution: use custom attribute names, or use the prototype dom query, which works very well.]

2. Drag and Drop completed, use the Ext sortable implementation. It's not perfect but it works. Have to use the Ext.ux.Sortables, but it's still not as good as the scriptaculous implementation.

The issue with Scriptaculous with xhtml is the default loader is not compliant. Bug Link. The solution is to load scripts separately, but care the loading order. Both solved, still prefer scriptaculous implementation of Sortable.

Note the Sortable handle issue: if there are multiple elements all assigned the handle class, it seems that only the first in the dom is effective. Haven't done more research yet but should take extra care.

3. SVG file size may be too big, try to bring the file size down; this is the downside of the verbosity of XML. Also, the dragging is very inefficient when tile size is big (~200kb) in the genome browser. After discussed with Scooter this is because it's very inefficient to drag the huge chunk of XML...

So png and svg both have their edges though. I was thinking about a hybrid design but that could just be too much for now. (Need one day to think about it).

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