Friday, October 24, 2008


1 nites work.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

ExtJS learning notes

Useful tips.
1. 'mousewheel' event indeed can be removed. Something is messed up in my code. Need to figure out a way to avoid functions registered twice.
2. Ext.apply, Ext.applyIf, can quickly apply options to a given object;
3., execute the function under a specific scope.
4. Ext.reg(), register custom xtypes
5. EventManger.onWindowResize(), add custom window resize functions, which are performed right AFTER the viewport sync functions.
6. Function.createSequence can create a function that call same params with the original

Btw, !important in CSS means immutable..and non-overidable D:

Friday, October 10, 2008


1. Added column names and rownames into index, remote loading data.
2. Added the mini click & go functions yet
3. Mousewheel in/out

Weird ext bugs:
1. mousewheel event can't be removed! annoying.
2. same function if registered twice will be performed twice. Trying to sort this out.
3. Weird behavior of selection models. I will get back to this when i have more time.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Time Stamp

'try a search from our early days.'


涩而充满激情的校园生活,和那其间的我,现在完全feels like a dream.

What has been lost, should not be forgotten.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Quick Chip viewer

Around 6-7 hrs of dev time including debugging and fine tuning.

Some new experiences with Ext:
The hidden Ext.lib.Dom provides some handy functions like to calculate the size of the browser window, thanks Jack, it's not in the documentation but i was able to dig it out :)

Viewport is neat but it may take a while to get it work properly; everytime add/remove elements don't forget to call viewport.doLayout()