Monday, November 30, 2009

Windows 7 Ubuntu like Multi-desktop

Windows 7 didn't provide multiple virtual desktops as expected. A Solution for Ubuntu like multi desktop is to use 3rd party extensions. It's not perfect, but it's working.

Here's one light weight and free one you may want to try:

Windows Pager

The also have some nice screenshots, and a flash tutorial video.

detail view


Monday, November 16, 2009

RDP on windows over ssh

First of all, you need to bind the port. Usually we use putty on a windows machine, or ssh on linux.

putty -L port1:DESKTOP_IP:port2 account@ip

and leave the putty window open. In many cases:
port1: 3390, the default rdp port on windows machine.
DESKTOP_IP: the ip of the remote desktop
port2: the rdp port on the remote desktop

Sometimes on a windows machine, remoting by this method will generate an error of not more than one console session is allowed. In certain windows versions, remoting over ssh is blocked. The easy fix is to use a different port other than 3390, such as 23468; then in the remote desktop ip address, type localhost:23468, which will fix the problem.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Article on Java modularity

Java 7 is out. Here's a good article explains some of the nice features.

InfoQ:Modular Java:What is it?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Data Analyst Job


The bioinformatics department seeks an exceptionally talented and
motivated individual to assist with gene information curation and
database development, and provide data analysis supports for research


The successful candidate will perform regular data curation of the
in-house gene information databases. You will work with other
Bioinformatics scientists and programmers to identify needs and
opportunities in gene information integration and provide solutions.
The successful candidate will also work closely with lab scientists in
analyzing protein sequences, genomic structure and microarray data.
You will be encouraged to help design software for DNA and protein
sequence analysis and to pursue creative solutions to other tasks
commensurate with your experience and ability.


Applicants should possess a M.S. degree in bioinformatics, computer
science, or have equivalent experience. The successful candidate must
have strong programming experience in Java, Perl and database design.
Knowledge of R, and web application technologies is highly desirable.
You should have outstanding communication skills and the ability to
work independently and succeed in a complex, dynamic, team-oriented,
multi-disciplinary environment. You should be resourceful and pay
attention to details. Previous experience with biological databases
and sequence analysis are required.

DIVISION: Research

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

R library som

Self-organizing maps for clustering, need large number of iterations.
A filtering function in the package,


is very helpful to floor, ceil the input data table.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


mantel.rtest {ade4},

This provides a comparison of two distance matrices.
Still looking for a good way of translating correlation to distance.

mahalanobis {stats}

Calculate the mahalanobis distance.

To calculate the mahalanobis distance require Cov estimate, and this can be done with either classic cov or robust cov estimate.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Procrustes Analysis

Procrustes analysis: procrustes() in vegan provides procrustes analysis, this package also provides functions for ordination and further information on that area is given in the Environmetrics task view. Generalised procrustes analysis via GPA() is available from FactoMineR.